2024 Regional - Presenter Resources

The abstract submission deadline closed as of Friday, June 7, 2024.  


Oral/Rapid Fire Presenters: Submit your PowerPoint slides by September 12, 2024 to Jessica Goodone, at JGoodone@biomaterials.org. This is simply for organization purposes to make sure your symposia site has your presentation preloaded on the day of the meeting (these presentations WILL NOT be archived on the SFB website). 

All Presenters: You DO NOT need to submit a PDF version of your abstract or poster. 


The person submitting the abstract identifies the author who will be designated as the presenting author. The presenting author will serve as the primary contact on the abstract. The presenter must be one of the co-authors listed on the submitted abstract. The presenting author will be the main point of contact for information regarding the submission and is responsible for the following:

  • Forwarding acceptance/rejection of the abstract to all authors.
  • Ensuring that all authors have read the abstract and have agreed to be co-authors.
  • Failure to obtain approval from all authors may result in the presenting author being barred from making presentations at future SFB meetings.
  • Notifying all co-authors of any additions, deletions and changes to the program, as may be corresponded by SFB, in a timely manner.
  • If the abstract is accepted for presentation, it is the responsibility of the presenting author to forward all correspondence to the other authors. The presenting author must adhere to all published guidelines.
  • It is the submitting author’s responsibility to ensure that all co-authors are listed on the abstract itself, and entered into the abstract submission system under the authors block. Co-authors not included in the abstract submission system will not be referenced in the author index. 


The presenting author is expected to present the paper. If emergencies at the time of the meeting prohibit the participation of the designated author, the Chair(s) of the session and the Program Committee Chair must be notified of the name of the replacement speaker prior to the meeting. It is the presenting author’s obligation to ensure that the abstract is presented. Failure to present an oral or poster presentation at the scheduled times may result in the presenting author being barred from making presentations at future SFB meetings and will result in a $50 publishing fee to the corresponding author.


Notification of acceptance or rejection of abstracts will be e-mailed by the end of June 2024. The final selection of abstracts for presentation and placement of accepted abstracts in the program format will be made by the Program Committee of each regional host.