Finance Committee


The Finance Committee shall supervise the financial affairs of the corporation and advise and make recommendations to the Board of Directors and the Council concerning the financial affairs of the corporation.


The Finance Committee shall be composed of the Secretary-Treasurer-Elect as Chairperson, plus at least three other members, but no more than are necessary to accomplish the goals of the Committee, to be appointed annually by the President on the recommendation of the Chairperson. Additionally, the Secretary/Treasurer shall serve as an ex-officio member of this Committee.

The overall goal of the Finance Committee is to oversee the Society's investments and maintain a healthy long-term portfolio. An additional goal for this year is to review and revise the Society's investment plan and establish protocols for managing the Society's operating reserve. We will be working with the leadership to prepare the budget and address detailed budget items for the coming year. Our priorities are based on the success of our annual meeting, the productive relationship with our publishing partner, Wiley, and on recruiting and maintaining active society sponsors.

2024 - 2025 Finance Committee Members:

  • Chair: Ashley Carson Brown, PhD, North Carolina State University and the UNC-Chapel Hill
  • Danielle Benoit, PhD, University of Oregon
  • Qun Wang, PhD, Iowa State University
  • Rachel D. Sirianni, PhD, UMass Chan Medical School
  • Joel D. Bumgardner, PhD, The University of Memphis
  • Kent Leach, PhD, University of California, Davis
  • Jennifer Woodell-May, PhD, Zimmer Biomet 

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