Publications Overview

The Society has a number of publications encompassing the many areas and subspecialties of the biomaterials field. These publications range from introductory texts for students to advanced compilations of cutting edge science. In addition, all members receive a quarterly newsletter, the Biomaterials Forum, and a subscription to the Journal of Biomedical Research and Applied Biomaterials (JBMR A&B). In the bookstore, transactions from past meetings may be purchased along with books offered at a member discount. A media kit is available for those wishing to know the editorial calendar or advertise in the Forum. Abstracts from past meetings are now searchable, and are available here as a convenience to the members. In addition, a summary of scheduled webinars and recordings is available here.

Abstracts from SFB the 2005-2023 Annual Meetings are available for purchase in print or as a USB drive from

Did you know? Accepted abstracts may be added to your Curriculum Vitae! 

Society For Biomaterials Abstract Submissions: Previously published materials may only be submitted with permission of the copyright holder, and must be properly referenced. The submitting author is responsible for securing any required copyright permissions.

Use of Society For Biomaterials Abstract Content: Accepted abstracts published in the Transactions of the Society For Biomaterials (SFB), are a referenced, copyrighted publication of the Society For Biomaterials. Under SFB copyright, authors are granted free use of elements from their own SFB abstract in other publications and abstract submissions, provided that such content is not substantially equivalent to the SFB abstract in its entirety and that the Transactions are cited; the author is responsible for securing any required copyright permissions for SFB abstract content that was previously published.  

Format for SFB Transactions citation: Smith, T.K. (20XX). Title of Abstract. Transactions of the Society For Biomaterials 20XX Annual Meeting, Volume XXXX, pg#.  

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