Awards, Ceremonies, and Nominations Committee


The Awards, Ceremonies, & Nominations Committee shall have two duties:

To solicit and nominate to Council the names of individuals for officers of the Society. At least two individuals shall be nominated for each position. A brief description of each candidate's qualifications for office shall be included for the Council's review, as well as for inclusion in the mail ballot. Such mail ballot shall be generated by the Committee for distribution to the general membership and shall include provision for write-in candidates for each office.
To solicit and nominate to Council the awardees for the Annual Clemson Awards for basic research, applied research, and contribution to the literature, as well as any Student Awards and other appropriate awards which shall be given.

In addition, the Awards, Ceremonies, & Nominations Committee shall arrange for such other awards ceremonies and awards as the Council finds to be appropriate, including obtaining and presenting the award gavel to the outgoing President and appointing persons to present awards. Not later than nine weeks prior to each annual meeting of the members, the Awards, Ceremonies, & Nominations Committee shall submit to the Council the names of consenting nominees for officers of the Society. This committee shall meet the requirements of Article III, Section 6 in cooperation with the principal office of the Society.


The number of members of the Awards, Ceremonies, & Nominations Committee shall be five with four members being elected at the Annual General meeting from six or more nominations from the floor. These committee members shall serve with the chairperson who shall be a past president and shall have been appointed by the President. Additionally, the Committee shall include, in a non-voting capacity, one member from Clemson University, to advise on matters of Clemson awards. This member shall assure proper communication with the President of Clemson University.


2024-2025 Awards, Ceremonies, & Nominations Committee Members:

  • Chair: Guigen Zhang, PhD, University of Kentucky
  • Daniel L. Alge, PhD, Texas A&M University*
  • Natalie Artzi, PhD, Harvard Medical School/MIT*
  • E. Thomas Pashuck, PhD, Lehigh University*
  • Tatiana Segura, PhD, Duke University*
  • DEI Representative: Gregg Duncan, PhD, University of Maryland
  • Clemson University Representative: Delphine Dean, PhD, Clemson University

*Per the SFB Bylaws these four members were elected by the membership during the 2024 SFB Annual Business Meeting. The Chair of the Committee is appointed by the President, the DEI Representative is appointed by the Chair of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, and the Clemson Representative is appointed by Clemson University. The Clemson Representative only participates in activities related to the Clemson Awards.


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