
SFB Award and Officer Nomination and Selection Processes

Officer Nominations

To nominate yourself or a colleague for an SFB office, please send a nomination letter and a copy of the nominee's CV to Shena Seppanen at

Job descriptions of the officer positions can be viewed under Article VI, Section 5 of the SFB Bylaws, here.

Nominators are encouraged to submit a “letter of intent” to nominate to Shena Seppanen at by Friday, August 16, 2024. Although a letter of intent is not required and is not binding, the information that it contains will permit the Awards, Ceremonies, and Nominations Committee to identify positions for which apparent nominations are not forthcoming and to solicit specific nominations as needed. Nominations will be accepted until Friday, September 20, 2024, regardless of the receipt of a letter of intent. 

Award Nominations

Nominators are encouraged to submit a “letter of intent” to nominate to Shena Seppanen at by Friday, August 16, 2024. Although a letter of intent is not required and is not binding, the information that it contains will permit the Awards, Ceremonies, and Nominations Committee to identify awards for which apparent nominations are not forthcoming and to solicit specific nominations as needed. Nominations will be accepted until Friday, September 20, 2024, regardless of the receipt of a letter of intent. Any nominee to be considered for society awards with the exception of student/trainee awards must be an SFB member for at least 3 years. 

2025 Award Nomination Form

Certification of Status Form

Student Award Flyer

Award Recipient FAQs

The Society For Biomaterials honors its members with the following awards:


Founders Award

The Founders Award is based on long-term, landmark contributions to the discipline of biomaterials. The awardee will be selected from formal nominations submitted accompanied by the curriculum vitae of the candidate, two supporting letters of recommendation, and a brief bio-sketch. The awardee will be requested to submit a research or review manuscript for publication consideration in the Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. The Society reserves the right to publish the manuscript in the Journal of Biomedical Materials Research or Applied Biomaterials.

The Founders Award recipient will receive:

  • $1,000 award from the Society For Biomaterials
  • Complimentary registration to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois
  • Travel support up to $1000 to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois (total travel expense reimbursement not to exceed $1000 inclusive of hotel and airfare)

Required Supplemental Documents:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Manuscript (a review manuscript will be requested of the award recipient)
  • Abstract (upon submission to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition) of the above manuscript
  • Brief Biosketch
  • Two Supporting Letters of Recommendation
C. William Hall Award

The objective of the C. William Hall Award is to honor industry and government members of the Society For Biomaterials who have made a significant contribution to the Society and have an outstanding record in establishing, developing, maintaining and promoting the objectives and goals of the Society For Biomaterials. The award is determined from a nomination form, two supporting letters of recommendation and the curriculum vitae of the candidate.

The C. William Hall Award recipient will receive:

  • $1,000 award from the Society For Biomaterials
  • Complimentary registration to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois
  • Travel support up to $1000 to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois (total travel expense reimbursement not to exceed $1000 inclusive of hotel and airfare)
  • The Society will donate $1,000 in the name of the recipient to the C. William Hall Scholarship Fund

Required Supplemental Documents:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Two Supporting Letters of Recommendation
  • Related Documentation
The Society For Biomaterials Award for Service

The objective of the Society For Biomaterials Award for Service is to honor significant service to the Society For Biomaterials in establishing, developing, maintaining and promoting its objectives and goals. This award is open to any individual, corporate or government entity, and is determined from a nomination form, summary of contributions, two supporting letters of recommendation and the curriculum vitae of the candidate (if an individual).

The Society For Biomaterials Award for Service recipient will receive:

  • $1,000 award from the Society For Biomaterials
  • Complimentary registration to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois
  • Travel support up to $1000 to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois (total travel expense reimbursement not to exceed $1000 inclusive of hotel and airfare)

Required Supplemental Documents:

  • Curriculum Vitae (if an individual)
  • Summary of contributions
  • Two Supporting Letters of Recommendation
  • Related Documentation
Clemson Awards

Each year, the Society For Biomaterials solicits nominations for outstanding work in the Clemson Award categories. The history of these awards reflects the strong traditional ties between the Society For Biomaterials and Clemson University since the year 1974. The award is determined from a nomination form, two supporting letters of recommendation, and the curriculum vitae of the candidate. Awardees are selected by the Society For Biomaterials Awards, Ceremonies and Nominations Committee and confirmed by the President of Clemson University.

Clemson Award recipients will receive:

  • $1,000 award from Clemson University
  • Complimentary registration to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois
  • Travel support up to $1000 to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois (total travel expense reimbursement not to exceed $1000 inclusive of hotel and airfare)

Required Supplemental Documents:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Two Supporting Letters of Recommendation
  • Related Documentation

Clemson Award for Applied Research

The accomplishment of the awardee will consist of significant utilization or application of basic knowledge in science to accomplish a significant goal in the biomaterials area. The achievement will be evidenced by the development of a useful device or material which has achieved widespread usage or acceptance, or expanded knowledge of biomaterials/host tissue relationships which have received widespread acceptance and resulted in improvements in the clinical management of disease. The award is determined from a nomination form, two supporting letters of recommendation, the curriculum vitae of the candidate, and related documentation.

Clemson Award for Basic Research

The awardee will have contributed to the basic knowledge and understanding of the interaction of materials with tissue. The contribution may employ a new theoretical concept, new material development or original study of the functioning or interactions of a material in the biological environment. The contribution will be evidenced by significant research, important original publications in the literature and/or frequent reference to and reliance on this work by subsequent researchers. The award is determined from a nomination form, two supporting letters of recommendation, the curriculum vitae of the candidate, and related documentation.

Clemson Award for Contributions to the Literature

The awardee will have made significant contributions to the literature on the science or technology of biomaterials. The importance of the contributions will be evidenced by systematic publications in technical journals, significant critical analyses and/or reviews, the frequent citations and referencing of the contributions by independent writers, and/or the publication of major works such as monographs, textbooks, bibliographies, and edited communications. The award is determined from a nomination form, two supporting letters of recommendation, the curriculum vitae of the candidate, and related documentation.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Award

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award recognizes individuals or organizations promoting anti-racism and or creating a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment for historically excluded groups in the STEM disciplines, especially in the field of biomaterials. This award was created to acknowledge the need to address systemic racism and other biases including ethnicity, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, dis/ability, socioeconomic class, language, culture, and national identity. The awardee should demonstrate impact on increasing participation and advancement of historically excluded groups in the STEM disciplines, especially those in which biomaterials are a key factor. Although the award may go to a team, an individual team leader will be asked to receive the award on behalf of all those being recognized. The award recognition will be determined from a nomination form and summary, two supporting letters of recommendation, and the curriculum vitae of the nominee.

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Award recipient will receive:

(if the award goes to a team, only one person receives the following:)  

  • $1,000 award from the Society For Biomaterials
  • Complimentary registration to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois
  • Travel support up to $1000 to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois (total travel expense reimbursement not to exceed $1000 inclusive of hotel and airfare)

Criteria to be considered:

·       Impact on improving participation of groups who have been historically excluded based on race, ethnicity, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, dis/ability, socioeconomic class, language, culture, and national identity

·       Strong demonstration of plans to continue work in diversity, equity, and inclusion

·       Strong examples of measured impact

·       Clear description of community served and reach

·       Specific examples of contributions to diversity in the biomaterials community

·       Strong demonstration of work in diversity is innovative and different from existing programs

Nomination of an Individual

1.     Include the nominee's CV

2.     Include up to two (2) supporting letters

3.     Include a summary to exceed no more than one (1) page outlining the highlights of the nominee’s career contributions in the discipline of biomaterials research, education, or public policy (e.g. number of publications and top titles, mentor information, institutional/organizational affiliations, a summary of total grant funds, etc.)

4.     Include nomination form, not to exceed one page (1) and should include:

a.         A detailed description of the nominee's work toward diversity, equity, and inclusion

b.         A description and background of the historically underrepresented community served through the career contributions of the nominee. Identify any focus on educational level, age, or cultural factors.

c.         The impact the nominee has had so far to address the challenges of achieving diversity, equity, and inclusion in the community.

d.         The impact the nominee has had so far in confronting systemic racism

e.         Evidence of innovative approaches taken

f.          Evidence of sustained commitment and plans for future impact.

Nomination of a Program or Organization

1.    The Awards, Ceremonies, and Nominations Committee will review applications and select

2.     Include a CV from the lead representative of the program or organization.

3.     Include up to two (2) supporting letters

4.     Include a summary to exceed no more than three (3) pages describing the program and its operation (e.g. leadership and staff composition, institutional/organizational affiliations, program budget, related awards, recognition, etc.)

5.     Include a summary of the nomination, not exceeding five pages (5), and should include:

a.     A detailed description of the work of the program or organization toward diversity, equity, and inclusion

b.     A description and background of the historically underrepresented community served through the career contributions of the program. Identify any focus on educational level, age, cultural, departmental, or institutional factors.

c.     The impact the program has had so far to address the challenges of achieving diversity, equity, and inclusion in the community.

d.     The impact the program has had so far in confronting systemic racism

e.     Any differentiators between this program or organization's endeavors and existing programs.

f.      Evidence of sustained commitment and plans for future impact.

Award Eligibility

The nominee (or the representative selected) MUST be a SFB member for the last three or more years. The award recipient must accept the award in person and deliver a plenary lecture including mention of participation in DEI at the 2025 Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois.

Mid-Career Award

The Mid-Career Award recognizes an individual SFB member who has demonstrated outstanding achievements in and/or contributions to the field of biomaterials research. Candidates for the SFB Mid-Career Award must be more than 10 years and less than 20 years beyond receipt of their terminal degree (PhD or equivalent). If in academia, the candidate should not exceed the rank of Associate Professor. The awardee will be selected from formal nominations submitted, accompanied by the curriculum vitae of the candidate, two supporting letters of recommendation, limited reprints of most significant previously published work and a manuscript in the style of the Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. (The Manuscript may be an expert opinion, perspective, topical review, or a historical piece. Manuscripts not strictly focused on research are intended to encourage industry and regulatory candidacy.) 

The Mid-Career Award recipient will receive:

  • $1,000 award from the Society For Biomaterials
  • Complimentary registration to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois
  • Travel support up to $1000 to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois (total travel expense reimbursement not to exceed $1000 inclusive of hotel and airfare)
  • Consideration for publication of a paper in either the Journal of Biomedical Materials Research or Applied Biomaterials

Required Supplemental Documents:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Reprints of previously published work (limit to three, please)
  • Manuscript submitted to JBMR-A/B within six (6) months prior to the deadline (due by October 18, 2024)
  • Abstract (upon submission to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition) of the above manuscript
  • Two Supporting Letters of Recommendation
Technology Innovation and Development Award

The Technology Innovation and Development Award formally recognizes successful application of basic and Applied Biomaterials research in the development of a novel medical product or technology that significantly benefits the health and well-being of medical and surgical patients. This award will recognize an individual or team who provided key scientific and technical innovation and leadership in a novel product in which biomaterials played an important and enabling role. Although the award may go to a team of scientists and engineers, the product champion or team leader will be asked to receive the award on behalf of those being recognized.

The award was developed to acknowledge novel breakthrough products as well as products that are significant improvements over state-of-the-art. The award was developed to recognize recent product innovations, but can also recognize existing products that have a significant medical impact and which the committee feels deserves special recognition. The principles of biomaterials science, as represented by the scope of the Society's membership areas of research, should be well documented as playing a key role in developing the product or in defining the product's function and effectiveness. The product's clinical benefit and impact should be clearly established. The award is determined from a nomination form, two supporting letters of recommendation, the curriculum vitae of the candidate(s), product or technology literature, and related documentation.

The Technology Innovation and Development Award recipient will receive:

 (if the award goes to a team, only one person receives the following:)  

  • $1,000 award from the Society For Biomaterials
  • Complimentary registration to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois
  • Travel support up to $1000 to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois (total travel expense reimbursement not to exceed $1000 inclusive of hotel and airfare)

Required Supplemental Documents:

  • Product or Technology Literature
  • Related Documentation
  • Two Supporting Letters of Recommendation
Young Investigator Award

The Young Investigator Award recognizes an individual who has demonstrated outstanding achievements in the field of biomaterials research. Candidates for the SFB Young Investigator Award must be within 10 years of receipt of their terminal degree (PhD or equivalent). If in academia, the candidate should not exceed the rank of Assistant Professor and, if they work in an academic institution, must not be tenured at the time of nomination. The awardee will be selected from formal nominations submitted, accompanied by the curriculum vitae of the candidate, two supporting letters of recommendation, reprints of previously published work, and a manuscript in the style of the Journal of Biomedical Materials Research.

The Young Investigator Award recipient will receive:

  • $1,000 award from the Society For Biomaterials
  • Complimentary registration to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois
  • Travel support up to $1000 to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois (total travel expense reimbursement not to exceed $1000 inclusive of hotel and airfare)
  • Consideration for publication of a paper in either the Journal of Biomedical Materials Research or Applied Biomaterials

Required Supplemental Documents:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Reprints of previously published work (limit to three, please)
  • Manuscript submitted to JBMR-A/B within six (6) months prior to the deadline (due by October 18, 2024)
  • Abstract (upon submission to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition) of the above manuscript
  • Two Supporting Letters of Recommendation
Outstanding Research by a Hospital Intern, Resident or Clinical Fellow Award

Hospital interns, residents, clinical fellows, medical students, or individuals in equivalent positions who have shown outstanding achievement in biomaterials will be considered for this award. Applicants may have already completed their program. In such cases, submitted papers must be the result of the research conducted during their internship, residency, or fellowship. The manuscript must be in the style of Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. The awardee will be selected from formal nominations submitted accompanied by a Certification of Status, the curriculum of the nominee, and two supporting letters of recommendation.

The recipient will receive:

  • Certification of Award
  • Complimentary registration to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois
  • Travel support up to $500 to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois
  • Consideration for publication of a paper in either the Journal of Biomedical Materials Research or Applied Biomaterials

Required Supplemental Documents:

  • Certification of Status (due by September 20, 2024)
  • The Curriculum of the Nominee (due by September 20, 2024)
  • Manuscript submitted to JBMR-A/B within six (6) months prior to the deadline (due by October 18, 2024)
  • Abstract (upon submission to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition) of the above manuscript
  • Two Supporting Letters of Recommendation (due by September 20, 2024)
Student Awards for Outstanding Research

Student researchers who have shown outstanding achievement in biomaterials research may submit applications and a manuscript reporting their research. The manuscript must be in the style of the Journal of Biomedical Materials Research and must be submitted in one of the following categories:

  • Undergraduate student
  • Masters or Health Science degree
  • Ph.D. degree candidate or equivalent

The awardees will be selected from formal nominations submitted accompanied by their manuscript, a Certification of Status, the curriculum vitae of the nominee, and two supporting letters of recommendation.

Each recipient will receive:

  • Certification of Award
  • Complimentary registration to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois
  • Travel support up to $500 to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois
  • Consideration for publication of a paper in either the Journal of Biomedical Materials Research or Applied Biomaterials

Required Supplemental Documents:

  • Curriculum Vitae (due by September 20, 2024)
  • Certification of Status (due by September 20, 2024)
  • Manuscript submitted to JBMR-A/B within six (6) months prior to the deadline (due by October 18, 2024)
  • Abstract (upon submission to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting) of the above manuscript
  • Two Supporting Letters of Recommendation (due by September 20, 2024)
C. William Hall Scholarship

This award honors the memory of the Society's first president, Dr. C. William Hall. This student scholarship is awarded to a junior or senior undergraduate pursuing a bachelor's degree in bioengineering or a related discipline focusing on biomaterials. 

The recipient will receive:

  • All 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition expenses paid including airfare, hotel, transfers, registrations, and meals

Required Supplemental Documents:

  • Copy of University transcripts
  • Letter of support from advisor/mentor 
  • Brief project statement
  • Brief career goals

C. William Hall Travel Scholarship nominations are due no later than December 5, 2024.

Cato T. Laurencin, MD, PhD Travel Fellowship

Named in honor of a distinguished member of the Society For Biomaterials, Cato T. Laurencin, MD, PhD, the travel fellowship will support undergraduate students of underrepresented minorities in the field of biomaterials to attend the World Biomaterials Congress. 

Each recipient will receive:

  • All 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition expenses paid including airfare, hotel, transfers, meals, and complimentary membership in the Society For Biomaterials

Required Supplemental Documents:

  • Copy of University transcripts
  • Letter of support from advisor/mentor 
  • Brief project statement
  • Brief career goals
  • Brief diversity impact statement

Cato T. Laurencin, MD, PhD Travel Fellowship nominations are due no later than December 5, 2024.