Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Award
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award recognizes individuals or organizations promoting anti-racism and or creating a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment for historically excluded groups in the STEM disciplines, especially in the field of biomaterials. This award was created to acknowledge the need to address systemic racism and other biases including ethnicity, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, dis/ability, socioeconomic class, language, culture, and national identity. The awardee should demonstrate impact on increasing participation and advancement of historically excluded groups in the STEM disciplines, especially those in which biomaterials are a key factor. Although the award may go to a team, an individual team leader will be asked to receive the award on behalf of all those being recognized. The award recognition will be determined from a nomination form and summary, two supporting letters of recommendation, and the curriculum vitae of the nominee.
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Award recipient will receive:
(if the award goes to a team, only one person receives the following:)
- $1,000 award from the Society For Biomaterials
- Complimentary registration to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois
- Travel support up to $1000 to the 2025 Society For Biomaterials Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois (total travel expense reimbursement not to exceed $1000 inclusive of hotel and airfare)
Criteria to be considered:
· Impact on improving participation of groups who have been historically excluded based on race, ethnicity, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, dis/ability, socioeconomic class, language, culture, and national identity
· Strong demonstration of plans to continue work in diversity, equity, and inclusion
· Strong examples of measured impact
· Clear description of community served and reach
· Specific examples of contributions to diversity in the biomaterials community
· Strong demonstration of work in diversity is innovative and different from existing programs
Nomination of an Individual
1. Include the nominee's CV
2. Include up to two (2) supporting letters
3. Include a summary to exceed no more than one (1) page outlining the highlights of the nominee’s career contributions in the discipline of biomaterials research, education, or public policy (e.g. number of publications and top titles, mentor information, institutional/organizational affiliations, a summary of total grant funds, etc.)
4. Include nomination form, not to exceed one page (1) and should include:
a. A detailed description of the nominee's work toward diversity, equity, and inclusion
b. A description and background of the historically underrepresented community served through the career contributions of the nominee. Identify any focus on educational level, age, or cultural factors.
c. The impact the nominee has had so far to address the challenges of achieving diversity, equity, and inclusion in the community.
d. The impact the nominee has had so far in confronting systemic racism
e. Evidence of innovative approaches taken
f. Evidence of sustained commitment and plans for future impact.
Nomination of a Program or Organization
1. The Awards, Ceremonies, and Nominations Committee will review applications and select
2. Include a CV from the lead representative of the program or organization.
3. Include up to two (2) supporting letters
4. Include a summary to exceed no more than three (3) pages describing the program and its operation (e.g. leadership and staff composition, institutional/organizational affiliations, program budget, related awards, recognition, etc.)
5. Include a summary of the nomination, not exceeding five pages (5), and should include:
a. A detailed description of the work of the program or organization toward diversity, equity, and inclusion
b. A description and background of the historically underrepresented community served through the career contributions of the program. Identify any focus on educational level, age, cultural, departmental, or institutional factors.
c. The impact the program has had so far to address the challenges of achieving diversity, equity, and inclusion in the community.
d. The impact the program has had so far in confronting systemic racism
e. Any differentiators between this program or organization's endeavors and existing programs.
f. Evidence of sustained commitment and plans for future impact.
Award Eligibility
The nominee (or the representative selected) MUST be a SFB member for the last three or more years. The award recipient must accept the award in person and deliver a plenary lecture including mention of participation in DEI at the 2025 Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, Illinois.